Auto-observation and auto-regulation

There is a low variability of the cardiac rhythm in the following cases:

  • for people presenting cardiovascular problems;
  • for people who have just undergone a heart attack;
  • for certain diabetic persons;
  • for people suffering from hypertension;
  • for depressive people, in a state of anxiety, or stress;
  • for children sensitive to sudden death;
  • in feverish states and in most diseases
  • for smokers and alcoholics

In 2004, VASCILLO et al. (ref B1) showed that a breathing of approximately 6 cycles per minute induced a greater variability of the cardiac rhythm.
This rhythm of breathing corresponds to the LF wave (brown curve) which is also the representation of the cycle of the “primary respiration” defined by the sacro-cranial osteopaths. The frequency of LF wave varies slightly from one person to another and according to their own rhythms. The computer interface we propose allows, by the interrelationship patient-computer, to connect ourselves to our own rhythm of “primary respiration” and thus to stimulate our cardiac variability.



Fig. 11: variations of cardiac rhythm HRV (in light blue), of breathing (dark blue), HF (white) and LF (brown).
LF Wave is used as indicator to help us to align ourselves to our rhythm of “primary respiration”
which induces a better flexibility of our HRV.

When this rhythm of breathing is activated, the LF wave is exactly 2 times slower than the HF wave and these two waves are in perfect phase opposition: we thus play the music conductor by synchronizing two of the control devices of our heart.


Fig. 12: variations of cardiac rhythm HRV (in light blue), of breathing (dark blue), HF (white) and LF (brown).
Pointed in yellow, phase correspondence between LF wave and HF wave, when breathing follows
the rhythm of “primary respiration”.

Many authors showed that this kind of breathing induced by biofeedback:

  • increases the variability of cardiac rhythm (HRV) and prevents risks of infarction (ref B4, B11);
  • increases the pulmonary capacity (ref B4);
  • releases the spirit, supports attention and the memory (ref B9);
  • supports the pulmonary function, decreases the symptoms and allows a decrease of medication (ref B6) for asthmatic persons;
  • can relieve patients suffering from fibromyalgia (ref B5);
  • heals depressive states and anxiety (ref B2);
  • prevents the risk of sudden death (ref B4)
  • decreases hypertension (ref B7);
  • allows a better control of emotions, of hostility and of rejection feeling (ref B8)
  • allows athletes to center their mind and to carry out better performances (ref B2)

In a biofeedback session, if we are listening to ourselves and try to make some internalisation, we will be able, after a certain time, to perceive this “primary respiration” which rocks us. We will then be able to connect to this breathing without the computer interface: allowing us to stay well centered and calm in front of a stress. A few minutes are enough: find a calm place to stay and carry out some cycles of breathings in conscience.

After some training on our “primary respiration”, when our respiratory capacity will be improved, we can continue our internalisation by using MID-TIDE breathing, well-known and used by Tibetan lamas and by ZEN practitioners (ref B10). And thus make an harmonisation of the three curves of our waves HF, LF and VLF.


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